Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Teaching from Spider.

Have you heard the name of Robert Bruce? Robert Bruce was the king of Scotland. He loved his country, his men and the freedom of the country . In return the people of his country also loved him.

Once the English attacked his kingdom with a large number of soldiers. Robert Bruce fought bravely, but the enemy killed many of his soldiers. A good number of the soldiers were also wounded. At last he was defeated.

Robert Bruce wanted to free his country from the English yoke. He fought many battles against the enemy. The English were much stronger, so his soldiers fled away for fear of their lives. So each time he fought was defeated.At last he gave up the attempt and went into a forest. He took shelter in a cave there.

One day Robert Bruce was lying in his cave and thinking of his fate. He was in a dejected mood then . Suddenly his eyes fell on a spider. It was trying to reach the roof in one corner. But it fell down. It tried for the second time , but failed to climbed up. It failed several times to reach there where it wanted to go . Lastly, it became success.

From this incident dejected king Robert Bruce became inspired and gathered his soldiers again to fight against the enemy . He reached his goal finally.
So those are dejected, depressed or disappointed for any reason they can be inspired from this story and turned their life style into a new leaf.

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